This difference from HDDs has a lot of implications, especially in size and performance. In an SSD, all data is stored in integrated circuits. SSDs got their name-solid state-because they use solidstate devices under the hood. In general, they are lower in cost and are practical for data that does not need to be accessed frequently, such as backups of photos, videos or business files. They are available in two common form factors: 2.5 inch (commonly used in laptops) and 3.5 inch (desktop computers). HDDs are considered a legacy technology, meaning they’ve been around longer than SSDs. The arm moves the heads across the surface of the disk to access different data. It is similar to how a turntable record player works, with an LP record (hard disk) and a needle on an arm (transducers). The HDD has an arm with several 'heads' (transducers) that read and write data on the disk. It has spinning disks inside where data is stored magnetically. What Is an HDD?Īn HDD is a data storage device that lives inside the computer. Here's a quick guide on the best use for each and how to compare. Solid state drives (SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs) are the two main storage options to consider. The type of storage your computer uses matters for performance, including power usage and reliability.
Choosing the right storage isn’t just about comparing capacity and cost.